Important projects
we have funded
Studentship donation 2023
On the 20th of September 2023 we transferred Rs 3.2 Million (Aus $15,331) to the account of the parent body, Alumni Association of the University of Peradeniya (AAUP) and the money will be invested in a long-term fixed deposit (under our name) and only the interest will be used for studentships.
Studentship Donation – 2022
We are pleased to inform you that this year we have donated Rs 1,800,000 ($7,600) to the studentship programme. The Parent Body has invested that in a five -year fixed term deposit.
Studentship-Donation – 2021
The studentship (at the rate of Rs 36,000 per year, per student) would be paid during the entire stipulated period of studies and depending on the course of the study, that would either be four or five years.
Equipment to the Health Centre
Donations to Univeristy clock project through PEFAA and Health Centre.
Ramanadan Hall, plate washing facility
We helped the University with $4000 for plate washing facility in Ramadan Hall in 2015.
Fund for the main library
We donated $5000 to the main library in cluding Toshiba Laptop valued at $2000.