Because Only Together We Can

improve the lives of others and leave our world better than we found it


What started in the mid-90s as an informal gathering, in Perth of a small group of professionals who have studied at the University of Peradeniya has now become a small and elite organisation with more than two-hundred members.

Initially, we gathered on an ad hoc basis and the first step change of the progress took place in 2002 when it was decided to launch a formal get-together in the format of a dinner-dance. The next significant milestones were the incorporation of the association with the WA Commission of Consumer Protection (in 2010), ratification of the rules of the association (in 2013) and obtaining ‘not-for-profits’ status (in 2018).

For two reasons, the dinner-dance has now become an annual event that alumni and friends look forward to firstly, it acts as a meeting place for our alumni of different age groups, and religious and ethnic background who have been working in a wide range of disciplines from Agriculture to Zoology; secondly, it gives participants an immense pleasure to see that the funds raised have helped, and will continue to do so to improve the quality of teaching and the student life at the University. During the last seventeen years, we have donated a total of $37,120 to the University which in real-term has a net present value of $47,500.

In addition to the above, we have facilitated the newly arrived alumni to network and connect socially and professionally with other members, organised outdoor activities (at times jointly with an AA of other Universities) and helped in fundraising activities of the wider community (such as the Buddhist Temple). When we reflect on the genesis, and the evolution of our association, we can be justifiably proud of our achievements during a short period of a quarter of a century.

Finally, our two prime objectives; to make contributions to improve facilities at the Peradeniya University, and to serve the alumni living in WA remain unchanged.

What We Do


— We Find & Fund

We fund projects to support disadvantage students in University of Peradeniya.


— We Build Networks

We build relationship among Peradeniya Alumini and enrich the mutual benefit to wider WA community.


— We Strengthen

We strengthen  the relationship between university graduates and support find suitable job opportunities.


— We Educate

We help spread of awareness and knowledge of matters which affect the WA community.


— We Provide Care

We care about the well-being and reputation of University of Peradeniya.


— We Consult

We work closely with Peradeniya Alumina and advocate for the development and prosperity of the University and its students.

Impact Stories

Tharushi - Student of Agriculture Faculty -2023

We are struggling with the financial position of our family. Therefore, your contribution to my education is so genius and will allow me to continue to focus on my studies.

I promise that I will use this fund for my studies, and I will make all of you proud one day. Thank you again for giving me this great opportunity.

Anjula — A Student of Engineering Faculty - 2023

My goal is to be a want Biomedical Engineer. Granting the AAUP-Western Australia Chapter scholarship to me, who has financial difficulties, is a great help to do my education correctly and reach my goal. Thanks to you, the AAUP scholarship was a great help to achieve the first step in my goal of getting a good GPA in the first year and getting selected for the Electrical and Electronic department.

Thank you again for your generosity and support. I promise you I will work very hard and eventually give back to others, both as an engineer and possibly a scholarship to future students like myself.